middle aged divorcees remarry

How Does Remarrying Impact Your Divorce Decree?

After your divorce, you may be tempted to jump into a new marriage or know that you plan on getting married again sometime in the future. However, changes in your marital status can result in changes to how you approach mandatory payments outlined in your divorce decree.

While moving on may have been the point of your divorce, it’s important to understand how the changes in your life can impact the future of your family’s finances.

Child Support

When parents divorce, the divorce decree will generally include an order for child support. This is the payment that the non-custodial parent makes to the custodial parent to help cover the costs of raising the child. If one of the parents remarries, there may be a change in the amount of child support that is ordered.

The reason for this is that when a parent remarries, their new spouse’s income may be taken into account when determining child support payments. If the new spouse has a high income, it may be presumed that they are able to contribute to the support of the child, and this could result in a decrease in the amount of child support that is ordered.

On the other hand, if the new spouse has a low income, this may actually result in an increase in child support payments.

It is important to note that remarriage is not the only factor that can impact child support payments. If there is a change in either parent’s income, this can also result in a change to the amount of child support that is ordered. Parents should therefore keep this in mind when making any major changes to their lifestyle after divorce.

Spousal Support

Under Texas law, divorce courts have the discretion to order either spouse to pay spousal support, also known as alimony. In most cases alimony is only ordered for marriages that lasted longer than 10 years or when one member of the marriage is unable to meet their minimum financial needs.

The amount and duration of spousal support payments are determined based on a number of factors, including the length of the marriage, each spouse’s earning capacity, and the relative needs of each spouse.

In cases where one spouse remarries, the divorce decree may provide that spousal support payments will end automatically. Even if the receiving spouse moves in with another person, the paying spouse can file a motion to terminate spousal support.

If you have questions about how your divorce decree affects your spousal support payments in the event of remarriage, you should consult with an experienced family law attorney in your area.

When Can You Get Remarried After Divorce?

If you’re considering remarrying after divorce, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, you’ll need to obtain a divorce decree from the court. Once you have this, you’ll need to wait at least 30 days before getting remarried.

In some cases, you may also need to provide proof that you’ve completed any required counseling or mediation sessions. Once you have all of this in order, you’ll be able to remarry.

Fort Worth Divorce Lawyer

Fort Worth divorce lawyers like those that work with Nilsson Legal Group understand the legalities of divorce decrees from the inside out. They can help you determine just how much your decision to remarry or change your job will impact your decree and future payments to your spouse and children.

Get the Help You Need With Your Divorce

If you’re going through a contested divorce, you need qualified, experienced divorce lawyers on your side. The legal team of Nilsson Legal Group can help you understand the stipulations behind your divorce decree, when the best time is for remarriage, and how remarrying could change the terms of your decree.

Our first consultation is always free. Schedule a case review today with Fort Worth’s most trusted divorce lawyers.