A Couple Dealing with Social Life After Divorce

How to Rediscover Your Social Life After Divorce

A contentious divorce that seems to drag on forever can take a deadly toll on your current relationships.

While you’ve spent time swimming in documents, decrees, and negotiations, it’s likely that your friends and family have been continuing with their own lives while offering you a life raft in certain times of need.

Once all is said and done, it may seem impossible to pick yourself up and get your social engine revving again.

As we approach the holiday season, there’s no better time than now to rejuvenate your newfound social life with tips from Fort Worth’s most trusted divorce lawyers.

Cut Off Any Toxic Ties

Sometimes friends and family members may be extremely attached to your ex. So much so, that they literally blame you for the downfall of your marriage.

No matter the cause behind a divorce, there is no excuse to keep toxic friends and family members in your life. If you find that once close relationships begin to pull away because of your divorce, now is the perfect time to step back and examine who actually has your back and who is just in your life to continuously open up old wounds.

Can You Keep it Cordial for Custody’s Sake?

The reality is that after divorce, your relationship with your in-laws could become strained. However, if you have children and child custody and visitation rights are in the picture, it’s likely that you’ll have to interact with them from time to time.

You shouldn’t feel pressured to maintain the relationship you once had unless you can genuinely do so. However, remember that even in divorce, not all ties are always severed, and a little civility can go a long way for your family’s social life.

Make New Friends But Keep the Old

It may be difficult to jump right back into old friendships, especially when those relationships were shared between you and your ex.

However, friendships aren’t part of your divorce’s asset division. You can always maintain these relationships. Just know that it may require some stepping back for a minute, and reintroducing yourself to the friend group through separate get-togethers away from your ex.

In the meantime, don’t isolate yourself from the world! Get out and meet new people who may be more familiar with your current situation. Between divorced singles meetup groups and legitimate support groups, there are many ways you can diversify your quality relationships after you’ve finalized your divorce.

Start Crossing Off Your Bucket List

As a recently divorced individual, now is the time to look inward and figure out what you really want out of your life. Although being social right away may not be the first idea that comes to mind, this is the perfect opportunity to organically get back into life outside of divorce by crossing off some items on your bucket list.

Save up for that vacation you always wanted to take. Train for that annual marathon. Oftentimes performing social activities on your own can lead to wonderful, future friendships that can help you move past the darker points of your life.

Whether you need help getting a child custody ruling in your favor or need a team of divorce lawyers that can perform the perfect discovery process, Nilson Legal Group is ready to assist you.

We are Fort Worth’s top divorce law firm and are dedicated to helping our clients move forward into the life after divorce they deserve.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.