Divorced Parents Arguing In Front Of Child

Top 5 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Joint Parenting Plan

As difficult and painful as a divorce is, nobody wants that anguish transmitting down to any children of the marriage. Every step should be taken by the courts and the parents to make sure the children are protected, no matter the situation of the divorce itself. A divorce may be the right choice for your family, but it does mean there will be shifts in the way your households operate, and that can sometimes affect children more than any other household member.

A joint parenting plan is a written agreement between parents that outlines how they will share parenting responsibilities and make decisions regarding their children after a separation or divorce. It is important to review and update the join parenting plan periodically as circumstances change or children grow older. Here are the top 5 signs that it’s time to change your joint parenting plan.

Changes in Your Child’s Needs

Everyone’s life is subject to alteration, even the youngest among us. As your child grows older, their needs will naturally change. Maybe they have different school schedules or extracurriculars. Or, maybe there have been health changes and you’ll have medical appointments to attend. There are as many possibilities as there are kids, really. You may need to adjust your parenting plan to accommodate these changes, and the best way to do that is in writing.

Your Work or Living Situation Changes

Changes in your job or living situation may affect your ability to meet the terms of your parenting plan. If you move to a new city or state, for example, you may need to make adjustments to the parenting schedule or custody arrangements. The same is true of your work and work schedule. Ideally, changes to the agreement could be made with the full and compassionate consideration of both parents and the child’s needs. We know that’s not always the case, and we want to help.

Your Co-Parent’s Schedule

If your co-parent’s situation changes, it may impact your parenting plan similarly. For example, if they get a new job with a different schedule, or remarry and have additional children, you may need to make some adjustments.

Let a legal professional help you change the written agreement in a way that is satisfactory to both parties.

Conflict Between Co-Parents

If you and your co-parent are experiencing conflict or tension in your relationship, it may be time to revisit your parenting plan. You may need to make changes to improve communication and reduce stress for your children. This could involve intermediaries at pick up and drop off, or even family counseling sessions. No one wants to see that acrimony touch the most vulnerable members of the family.

Concerns About Your Child’s Safety

If you have concerns about your child’s safety or well-being, it may be necessary to make immediate changes to your parenting plan. This could include modifying custody arrangements or adding provisions to address specific concerns. We take your child’s welfare as seriously as you do and we’ll stand by you every step of the way.

A joint parenting plan is ultimately an expression of love. It’s about making sure your children are cared for wherever they are, and whatever other changes they’ll have to weather. Keeping their best interests in mind is paramount, even when personal feelings might be clouding our perceptions, or if your co-parent disagrees about what’s best for them.

It’s important to remember that making changes to a joint parenting plan requires cooperation and communication between both parents. Reach out to the family law attorneys at Nilsson Legal Group and we’ll help guide you through this process and into your next chapter.