A document that says alimony

Top Misconceptions About Spousal Support

Spousal support is something that tends to come up in most divorce cases. Spousal support, also known as alimony, is money that one pays an ex-spouse as a form of support. This is payment outside of marital property division and child support.

There are lots of misconceptions spread around about spousal support that creates further confusion during the already stressful process of divorce. Here’s a look at some of the most common misconceptions about spousal support and how a divorce lawyer can help you get through this process smoothly through expertise and understanding.

Only Wives Get Alimony

Many people wrongfully believe that alimony is something that is only granted to the wife in a marriage. Alimony distribution is based purely on income and not gender.

The rule of alimony is, whoever makes substantially more money in a marriage is the person who pays spousal support. Therefore, if a wife in a marriage was the breadwinner of a household, then, if alimony arose in the divorce, the husband would be the person who receives the benefits.

Spousal Support Lasts Forever

It may seem like forever, but we promise that spousal support isn’t permanent. In fact, in most situations, spousal support lasts for a short period of time and ends when:

  • The receiving spouse gets remarried
  • The receiving spouse becomes employed
  • The receiving spouse can support themselves financially

Remember, spousal support is a means of getting a party of the marriage back on their feet, not a never-ending financial safety net.

Alimony is Tax-Free Money

There’s no such thing as legal free money, and any transaction made regarding your divorce is definitely going to be legal. When alimony is paid the recipient is taxed on the alimony and the spouse paying the support is able to deduct taxes from their payments.

You Can’t Make Changes to an Alimony Agreement

Alimony changes aren’t as stringent as other payments like child support. For example, if the paying party loses their job or the recipient experiences a significant increase in their income, changes can be negotiated through the courts.

If you think you may be eligible for an alimony agreement change, it’s always best to meet with your divorce lawyer to make the right decisions regarding potential changes.

Every Divorce Ends in Alimony

Alimony isn’t something that occurs in all divorce cases. The truth is that most modern marriages aren’t applicable for alimony because both spouses are financially comparable.

If you are going through a divorce and know that spousal support is something that may come up, Nilsson Legal Group is ready to help! We are a team of divorce lawyers with the experience and expertise to help you navigate this process and other situations that could arise in your divorce. Contact us today to learn more about our divorce services.