Co-Parenting Tips to Follow During School

5 Co-Parenting Tips to Follow During the School Year

If you’re going through a divorce and planning on co-parenting with your ex, you should have a solid plan for the back to school rush. A great start to the school year gets your children off on the right foot for a brighter future. Here are five ways you and your ex-spouse can make the best of your situation for your children.

When Co-Parenting, Create a Technology Plan

Technology and school go hand in hand, but sometimes screens and your kids can develop a relationship that sticks a little too well. Work with your ex-spouse to create a family technology plan as it can go a long way to creating a similar dynamic between both homes.

Some ways to keep your children safe on devices during the school year can be:

  • Making all passwords family knowledge
  • Installing anti-virus software
  • Talking about online dangers with your children

Build a Unified Family Calendar

The school year welcomes the arrival of busy schedules. Even if you are the custodial parent, it’s essential to keep your ex in the loop on important events and daily schedules. Some things you should include on your family calendar are:


  • School pick-up/drop-off schedules
  • Sports practice
  • Picture day
  • Holiday school schedules

Always Have a Backup Routine

Texas is an unpredictable place to live and sometimes the weather can get in the way of school operations. There are even unplanned in-service days that can keep the kids at home.

So, aside from a standard calendar schedule, make a backup plan for days when the schedule veers off course and your kids. When in doubt of how to create a backup routine, always fall back on your child custody orders and consult with your family law attorney about any questions you may have.

Attend Important Events Together

Even if you and your ex went through a painful divorce, when possible, attend important events together. This not only shows support for your children but it can also lead to healthy development in your children as they begin to adjust to their new familial situation. This doesn’t mean you have to attend every single event. If you absolutely can’t work with your co-parent one on one, schedule specific events that could potentially involve the attendance of extended family.

Report Any School Sicknesses

Sicknesses are easily passed around at school and your ex may not always get the message from your kids or their school. In order to ensure the best care for your children when they aren’t with you, let your ex know about issues like an illness spreading around the school. This will at least be an extra step to keeping everyone healthy while you work through family changes.

Moving from marriage to co-parenting can be a difficult step. If you find you need help coming up with a co-parenting plan, The Nilsson Legal Group can guide you through your options. Don’t let the stresses of divorce impact a new school year. Contact us today for your free consultation.