father holds newborn

In-depth Guide to Co-Parenting a Newborn Baby

Divorce is an unfortunate situation that occurs in about fifty percent of marriages today. When a divorce occurs between two people that peacefully part ways, the process is generally straightforward.

When there are children involved, things quickly become much more difficult. Not only is there custody and child support to consider but parenting these children moving forward can be challenging.

The older the children are, the easier it is to co-parent and share custody. However, getting divorced when an infant is involved can be much more challenging.  Here are some helpful tips from Fort Worth divorce attorney, Spencer Nilsson, on how to co-parent newborns.

Babies Form Attachments to Multiple Caregivers

It is completely natural for babies to form attachments to multiple caregivers. In households where the mother and father are still taking care of a child together, the baby will bond with both parents.

Many mothers worry about getting a divorce at this stage of a child’s life because they worry that the baby will struggle when they’re not present. In fact, a father can provide just as good of care while ensuring that the baby feels safe and secure.

It can be tough for a mother to give up some of that time with her small child, but the child custody agreement may require that split to take place and, in most cases, will positively impact the infant.

The Importance of Communication

Communication is an incredibly important part of co-parenting. There are many ways that proper communication can be beneficial during this scenario.

Communication between the baby’s mother and father will allow the child to be properly cared for. This communication can include everything from information on the child’s current sleep schedule to what and when they are eating.

When the child is passed to the other parent as part of the ongoing custody agreement, communication should take place between the parents regarding how the child has been feeling, how they’re acting, and what challenges may have been going on. This constant communication will allow for changes to be made in both households that provide structure and consistency. While communication can occur through a Fort Worth divorce lawyer, it’s helpful in the long term if the parents learn to communicate on their own.

Developing a Routine for Children

Routine is an incredibly important part of a child’s upbringing. This routine allows a child to know what to expect. This consistency helps them grow up to be happy, secure, and have good self-esteem.

It’s easy for routines to change when the children are swapped from one household to the next, but it’s beneficial that the same routine has been maintained at both locations. This makes the transition easier for the kids, but it also helps the parents enjoy their time with their children as well.

This is where proper communication comes into play. If two parents aren’t getting along and can’t establish a routine together, the infant’s development may suffer.

Emphasis on Infant’s Needs First

It’s easy for two adults to become consumed with all of the negativity and drama that’s going on with their divorce. When children are involved in this process, it’s imperative that the needs of the children come first.

This is essential when an infant or toddler is involved in the process. Your emotions and actions directly affect how your young child develops. Divorce or not, your infant needs you to put them first just to make it through this stage in life. Putting their needs second could lead to physically and emotionally damaging consequences.

What to Avoid During Co-Parenting Process

Many mistakes can be made during the co-parenting process. While it’s alright that some may occur, learning from those mistakes is important. Some of the top things to avoid when it comes to co-parenting an infant include:

  1. Arguing in front of the children. If something serious needs to be discussed, there should be time set aside when the kids aren’t around to hear and be emotionally influenced by the adult’s matters that are taking place.
  2. One parent shouldn’t attempt to keep the infant from the other parent out of spite. It’s important for children to grow up having relationships with both parents and extended families.
  3. Holding onto any feelings you have about the past. What’s done is done, and the goal moving forward should be to support your children as they grow up.

Navigate the Divorce Process with Help From Nilsson Legal Group

If you are going through a divorce in Fort Worth, TX with your spouse and there are children involved, we encourage you to reach out to Nilsson Legal Group. We can help you through the divorce process, connecting you with one of our experienced child custody legal professionals.

Our goal is not only to help you through the legal aspect but to ensure that your family has the support that it needs to navigate this time in your life. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.